I'm glad my friends are still reading about my adventures! Thanks guys. To answer Kamechan's question about what exactly it is that I do...today I picked up trash...which is not a normal thing, but since everything was going slow I was picking up cigarette butts and trash off of the ground outside. However, I did some actual work today too. Basically what I do is somewhat of an assembly line type deal, and I work on the final portion of it. to giveyou an idea of what the unit looks like, it's a lot like six cabinets on a raised platform(three on one side and the other on the opposite facing the other three...I hope that wasn't confusing.) Anyway, this thing is pretty huge so we have to use ladder and stuff to get to the top. When we get the thing that we work on, we have to wait for the testers to make sure that all of the electrical things in it work, so normally we have to wait up to an hour for them. Sometimes there's stuff to do while we wait for them...but lately there hasn't been anything to do but play basketball(or rather watch my co-worker try to shoot a wrapped up bubblewrap into the trash.) When they're finished we get to tape the outside, bend metal bars and screw them into the top, screw in plexi-glass panels and a galvanized panel, put a box filled with various things and zip tie it down, zip tie another box, make sure they have fiber optic wires in this little cabinet, have it inspected, wrap the outside, throw a plastic sheet over the top, have them bring in a large box with the forklift and tie that down, make sure the whole things is wrapped and then we burn the outside with a huge blowtorch, tape the outside, write on it, put on a door, and then we have it inspected, then we have the paper work filled out and then move it out of the warehouse...only to have that repeated moments later. Sometimes I feel a little bit like a robot...which would be super sweet to be a robot that could do amazing things, however I'm talking about one of the lame robots in the car factory. I did however, get to talk to my workmate about the Lord. He was raised in a christian home and he knows quite a lot about the Lord, and he says he believes in Jesus, but he's come to a lot of his own conclusions about the bible and the idea of God that don't seem to fit with what the bible says. He's also living a life that isn't in line with Christ and he doesn't see anything wrong with it, so please keep him and me in your prayers. I really want to see him come to the Lord in a true and real way. Well it looks like it's time to hit the hay and or sack, whichever you prefer, personally I don't feel like hitting anything but I don't want to be exhausted in the morning. Hopefully in the next post I'll have some pictures...maybe of my new badge, how exciting. It makes me feel special! Once again, thanks for remembering my little blog, friends. Bye all!
yay finally something new...praying for you douglas be blessed with his amazing presence and every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places! love you, michelle
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