Aaron came over to spend the night on saturday because Tom was coming to speak at our church on sunday. I think he was probably overwhelmed with food because my mom kept trying to stuff him with anything she could find. She fixed up the ribs and gumbo that was in the fridge.(mmmmmm おいしい...) Then my family kept trying to give us ice cream and cake after the fat meal we had. The next morning we had a good time at church. Tom gave an awesome message and it made me wish I was going back out to Okinawa just to hear him teach. Afterward they came over and looked at baby pictures and talked and all that junk. We had alot of fun

...Life at home has been good. There have definitely been ups and downs already...but I think that God is bringing me through His refining fire in this time. I'm just so greatful for the grace that God gives...because no matter how many times I leave Him...He's always ready to take me back...comforting me with His soft voice. I love having a relationship with the Creator of the universe.
...Life at home has been good. There have definitely been ups and downs already...but I think that God is bringing me through His refining fire in this time. I'm just so greatful for the grace that God gives...because no matter how many times I leave Him...He's always ready to take me back...comforting me with His soft voice. I love having a relationship with the Creator of the universe.
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