Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Things are going pretty good out here in the desert. As far as my time here is concerned it's been an eerie picture resembling the children of Israel in the wilderness. And I can see the promised land in the distance! WHOO!
I've been reading through Matthew and it's been a huge blessing looking at the life of Christ and reading the words that He spoke. If it's been a while for any of you reading through the gospels, go and read' back through them, they're always a blessing.
I'm still at a time of trial and testing, but the Lord has been bringing me through it and things are going well. He's continuing to help me to press on! He's been faithful in my life to provide for me thus far. There's not much else going on in my life right now, aside from some plans that I have, but I'm waiting for the Lord to speak to me about those still.

I would have some pictures for everyone, but I lost our camera on my last adventure and I'm still kinda bummed about it.

Well, there'll be more later.
bye for now