Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Bald Face..........

I shaved the other day and I feel wierd. Even though I didn't have much mustache to begin with I feel naked on my face. I think it looks pretty good, but I would sacrifice a better looking face for a sweet mustache.

pics coming soon...

Home again

So I made it home...
The trip was pretty good...
The movies worked...
I really miss Japan and everyone there...
I need prayer about getting a job somewhere, prayerfully the school, but I have to get a hold of them soon...
I miss all of my classmates...
God is so good, and I don't deserve anything from Him, although He still blesses me...

I can't to see everyone again.
So we have two weeks left! I have alot of homework left and alot of things to be doing. So why am I writing this blog now do you ask? I feel like doing it! Here's some pictures

I can't tell you how beautiful this water was. God sure does know how to make the best colors.

I almost died going up these....ugh....

The Lord really knows how to bless us. I thought that maybe it would be a good experience coming out here, and I thought that working really hard over the summer was going to pay off...but I realize that this whole trip hasn't had anything to do with me...it's all a blessing from Christ. I've gotten closer to Him and i've been able to witness some really incredible stuff. I don't think that there could be a better experience than this in my life! But...that's the most incredible thing about Christ and serving Him with my life. I know that there are greater things in store for me if I continue to follow Him and simply love Him with everything I have. I can' comprehend the greatness that God has for me...but I know that it's better than what I have to offer or anything that I can come up with.

Oh Lord Jesus...how great is Your love for me...as pitful as I am. Even in my despair, when I can't see past my self and my problems...just beyond my selfishness lies something that's seems like too much for my eyes to capture and my mind to comprehend! Oh the day when I'm able to behold the unbeholdable and rest in Your presence.

I think that the thing that God has taught me most this semester, is that Christ is coming back...and it's the only thing worth looking forward to.
Today we went to the beach...well it's not really a beach, it was kinda like a...well it was like a fake beach, but it was alot of fun. We through rocks at other rocks and skipped rocks and....well it may not sound like fun but it was. We leave in exactly five week from today. It's pretty sad to know that I'll be leaving here so soon, but at the same time it will be great to go home and share all of my experiences with my friends and family! All the things that God has done here are so incredible! Despite all of my failures and falling short(which seems to be an overwhelming amount.) could never cancel out God's power to overcome those things. I've been seeing that even when I'm a failure, He is strong, and He loves me the same no matter what!
Here's some Korea pictures

Oishi ne?

This is our first night in Korea before we started worship time

My favorite time in Korea, getting to worship Jesus. This was a very special time for me.

this was when we got to share a verse with the Korean students. This was cool because some of the students weren't christians so we got to share a little bit of our faith with them. This was also right before I split my pants in the car....hmmmmm....this was a weird night. We were also treated to my favorite song...100 bottles of juice on the wall...thanks Jeremy.
Today has been crazy! I feel like i'm bi-polar...I'm up one minute and down the next...then the Lord brings me back up again. I might have failed my Church History midterm...agh! But at the same time I was really seeking God today...and I felt, like every other day, I was getting no answers, but today I feel like He might have opened my eyes a little bit to His plan. I feel like it's something that's going to involve a lot of faith, and prayer...but God is definitely good. He also spoke directly to me through His words and some problems that I've been having, PRAISE JESUS! I'm currently seeking God and His will for me in the next six months...so please pray that God would provided me a with a clear vision as to what He wants for me. I must say that God has been good to me all my life, but I've just been appreciating Him more for it recently. When I look back at my life, I feel like I was even more selfish than I am now (which right now seems like ALOT). But in spite of that, Jesus is way to incredible to focus on that! WHOO Thank you Jesus!
We had our first real midterm today...I hope I did ok
I was thinking about home lately, and I've come to the conclusion that I can't wait to be home, but I don't want to go home right now. Even though I miss home and I wish I could spend some time with family and friends, I know that God has called me here for a special reason and I don't want to abandon the great privilages and blessings that He has for me. I'm so grateful that the Lord has brought me here to serve Him, so even though it gets hard sometimes I know that the it's a blessing to be here. I also don't want to leave because it's so fun spending time with my brothers and sisters here. I definitely don't want to leave the fellowship I have here...so I want to try and soak up as much as I can while I'm here, regardless of how much I miss home. I feel like being here has allowed me to mature in the Lord

But at the same time I also have enjoyed being a little childish

This so far has been a great experience, and the Lord no doubt has a lot more for me in store...I just thank Him for all the things He's done so far.

Wharf Jumping

Today we went to the wharf again to jump off the walls, it was amazing! We had such a fun time.

A bunch of us went on the big one pretty much right away.

Fearless Shannon stared death in the face and backhanded it with her ceremonial glove of doom(eh...well it wasn't really that dramatic, she pretty much just jumped off the wall into the water).

However, I was really proud of keegan, he took the big plunge! We were just about the leave, but then keegan built up his animal courage and rocked the jump!

Then afterwards I made a pig of myself and got a zacklet and a box of those little ice cream balls(I sure will miss those when I'm in the states). Overall we had a great time hanging out with each other. I think that the Lord brought together the perfect group for this semester! I've had so much fun just enjoying everyone's company...and I hope they've enjoyed mine.
So, I didn't think that I was ever going to miss home, but I do. I really miss sitting in my living room while my dad sings karaoke to my mom. There's alot that I miss at home, but I know that the Lord has me here doing things to glorify Him. I'm so thankful that He's brought me here, I just know that I need the Lord's strength to get through it, because honestly I feel worn out. There's so many things going on in my mind all the time that I get so tired and worn out. I was thinking about Jesus' example and how He went to spend time with the Father when He was worn out, I think that I need more of that. My mind feels like a mess right now, and I'm super tired from today...ugh, I feel like i'm feeling sorry for myself...well besides all this junk, God is so amazing to me and I thank Him for all the things He's done!
eh....well, when I went to youth group tonight I didn't expect to become a transvestite. We played a game where we each had a partner and we had to put makeup on each other. Even though we only had one kid there, it was a really fun time! On another note, I've been thinking alot lately about how the Lord is changing me more into His image, it leaves me in awe at how He can take someone like me, and make me more like Him. Looking at the things that He's doing in my life make me love Him more and more. I'm also seeing that while I'm maturing in my spiritual life, I look at the little kids like Asa(as crazy as he can be), unconsciously enjoying God and what He does for them, and I see how I should be enjoy all the things that God has given me. Even though I don't want to act childish, in a sense, I feel like there are so many things about them that just make God smile, I know it makes me smile to see them. I think that I take all the things that He gives me, for granted. I get so caught up in the things of life instead of enjoying God and the things that He's given to me! I tend to get worked up over little things that so trivial...when God just wants me to rest and enjoy. So I look forward to the blessing that He's going to give me, and hopefully I won't be so into myself that i'm blinded to His amazing blessings.
All I can say about my life right now is, God is so gracious to me, and I'm so thankful that He loves me the way He does, because I'm nothing at all without Him.


Today was a good day! We went out for lectures and got to spend some time with the Lord, then we went sliding these marble slides with cardboard! Amazing! I thought today I post up pictures of everyone out here so that you can be familiar with everyone!

This is Keegan...my little buddy! I love him, he's kinda like my little mexican brother! He's been a big comfort to me and a great source of encouragement!

I'm sure you all know brad! I'm glad that he's out here cause we've known each other a long time and it seems like old times! Plus he shares his candies with me!

heh......amazing! This is of course jeremy...altough we disagree alot we're pretty close, I love this guy a lot!

Joel Corindizzle even though he doesn't like to speak his mind that often and is very quiet, everyone is glad that he's here just to be with us.

Aaron(kamechan)...hmmmm well I'm definitely glad he's here because otherwise I'd be dead! But besides that he's been a blessing and an encouragement in lots of things! Maybe I'll learn some stuff from him, he's pretty smart!

This is Mark...amazing musician and cool friend. He's also single ladies...WHOO HOO!!!

Shannon(left) is a really cool girl! We got to go to camp together and had alot of fun together, Although she showed that she likes to cheat in scavenger hunts. Michelle(right) is also a great girl! It's been a huge blessing to see what a great heart for the Lord that she has! I love both of these girls and i'm really glad they're here!

Awwww Nicky! She always makes me laugh...such a funny gal. I think one day we'll make a hardcore band together. And if you read this, "Nicky, you're beautiful."(inside joke)hahahahaha

Haley! In the beginning of the semester she kept boasting that she was old enough to be my mom(she's three years older than me), but I think that she realizes that she acts more childish than I do. She's my quarter Japanese sister, and an おしり(just kidding Haley)!

The Djudjster! This girl is crazy and fearless! She'll beat you up if you aren't careful...well most likely not. But she is really funny, and she's rocking it from Austria!

And last but not least, our off campus student Erin(right). She's like the woman Bruce Lee, well sort of, actually not at all...but she does study a bit of the Karate.
Jaa, I gave devotions today and I got a chance to share my heart everyone, which was pretty cool...I'm hoping the Lord blessed someone through me, if not I think I was blessed enough for everyone. The Lord gave me Philippians 4:3-7 to share with everyone...which was cool because I feel like I say and do all the wrong things, embarassing myself all the time, but it's cool knowing that the Lord loves me anyway, such a comfort. Now if only I can learn to better articulate my thought into something other than nonsense. We also went to something called M.E.L.T, my english lunch time, today. We were helping college students practice their えいご(english)! My japanese reading and writing is getting better. I read almost everything that's not Kanji(even though I'm supposed to be able to read EVERYTHING except kanji anyway) which is pretty exciting! I feel like even if I accomplish nothing else I learned a little bit of Japanese and grew in the Lord...hooray for me!

P.S. I realize the inconsistency and random directions that all my blogs so far have taken, I think I have a bit of the A.D.D, so bear with me, it's hard for me to consentrate on one thing at a time.


So today we had church history class...ugh...listening to Dave Shirley for an hour and a half is so hard. I felt like there were little invisible sleep trolls spreading their sleeping dust on me and hanging off of my eyelids. Then he went a tangent for a thousand years...I don't even remember what it was about, hopefully I pass this class so I don't have to take it next semester. Besides that we had an amazing missions class because the guy speaking was talking about all the things that had been on my mind lately. It was such an encouragement to be reminded the Christ is always with me! whoo hoo! AH, I also got to witness Asa getting a haircut, amazing! Mostly because he was terrified to get it cut, and even let people see it afterward. Amazing....

The first one

Wow...So It's come to this...blogging...So things have been going good this semester so far. It's getting to the middle of the semester, and I'm very glad that the Lord has brought me here. Although I love it here, things are getting harder for me. I'm not really homesick, but i'm really starting to miss my brother and it feels like Satan is trying to confuse me and make me stress over little things. I feel spiritually and physically tired, which I realized today that it's a good thing. I've feel like I've been so tired trying to fight off all these things that Satan is causing me to stress over, but I'm realizing that I really need to rely on Christ in everything. I've been trying to make all these things work in my life, but I know that I just need to rest in Jesus. So needless to say that I need a lot of prayer...hahahaha and I realize that this was a heavy first post, but it's always on my mind and I need the prayer, so thanks everyone!
nighty night all!