How relaxing...
The past two days have been very relaxing and very fun. Yesterday we went out to the beaut after church. We got all of the cooking equipment together and we left in Amy's Bronco for our destination.

the thing about the back seats...only a huge mat that Derek and I had to lay on, which was actually more comfortable than seats.
When we got there, we loaded up with all of our equipment and headed up to the top
Adam preparing for the trek

We had to take a few breaks on the way up

Then we finally made it to the top

Derek was addicted to the chips

I don't know how the heck the dog made it up the hill, but somehow buddy made it's way to the top.

After all that, we forgot the buns in the car and the cupcakes at Amy's house, so Adam an Amy made their way down as Derek and I ate burgers without buns

then the dog started making it's way to a cliff and some jagged Derek was the hero and saved the dog from certain doom.

So Adam and Amy made their way back up the hill and we hung out up there for a while. I remembered that there was no music playing and so I got my phone out and played the most glorious cd ever, Damien Rice's O. It was the most relaxing moment I think I've had all year. Then I went to this scary rock where it feels like you're on the edge of nothing, even though the ground is only like 10 feet below.

Then Adam realized that the sun was setting so we headed to the other side to watch the sun set, and we ate the cupcakes that Amy made.

Then we made our way down the hill. The only light that was had was the moonlight, but it was so bright that it made the moment that much better. The Lord had provided good weather and little things like an almost full moon to bless us, I was pretty excited about that. Then we were going to head to Amy's to watch a movie...however plans changed and they wouldn't tell me and Derek what we were actually going to do at her house. We were all talking about the bible college at some point and I told Derek that it would make the night perfect if we had hot springs or a jacuzzi to relax in, I think that was the only thing that could have made the night more relaxing. So we get to Amy's house and we ask them what we're doing...suprise, jacuzzi that I didn't know she had.

We didn't have shorts so we had to borrow some of Amy's soccer shorts...

So we ate some ice cream and then we went into the jacuzzi, which was so incredible that I can't tell you how incredible it was. It could have been hotter, but the jets in it more than made up for the loss of heat.
Needless to say...amazing day

the thing about the back seats...only a huge mat that Derek and I had to lay on, which was actually more comfortable than seats.
When we got there, we loaded up with all of our equipment and headed up to the top

Adam preparing for the trek

We had to take a few breaks on the way up

Then we finally made it to the top

Derek was addicted to the chips

I don't know how the heck the dog made it up the hill, but somehow buddy made it's way to the top.

After all that, we forgot the buns in the car and the cupcakes at Amy's house, so Adam an Amy made their way down as Derek and I ate burgers without buns

then the dog started making it's way to a cliff and some jagged Derek was the hero and saved the dog from certain doom.

So Adam and Amy made their way back up the hill and we hung out up there for a while. I remembered that there was no music playing and so I got my phone out and played the most glorious cd ever, Damien Rice's O. It was the most relaxing moment I think I've had all year. Then I went to this scary rock where it feels like you're on the edge of nothing, even though the ground is only like 10 feet below.

Then Adam realized that the sun was setting so we headed to the other side to watch the sun set, and we ate the cupcakes that Amy made.

Then we made our way down the hill. The only light that was had was the moonlight, but it was so bright that it made the moment that much better. The Lord had provided good weather and little things like an almost full moon to bless us, I was pretty excited about that. Then we were going to head to Amy's to watch a movie...however plans changed and they wouldn't tell me and Derek what we were actually going to do at her house. We were all talking about the bible college at some point and I told Derek that it would make the night perfect if we had hot springs or a jacuzzi to relax in, I think that was the only thing that could have made the night more relaxing. So we get to Amy's house and we ask them what we're doing...suprise, jacuzzi that I didn't know she had.

We didn't have shorts so we had to borrow some of Amy's soccer shorts...

So we ate some ice cream and then we went into the jacuzzi, which was so incredible that I can't tell you how incredible it was. It could have been hotter, but the jets in it more than made up for the loss of heat.
Needless to say...amazing day